User talk:AnnfromSussex-561

From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library

Ann from Sussex

Well done Ann - and for your next trick?

can you bold and italic?

'How's this?' And this?

Wiki Quiz 13

1) Olitory

2) Gimler : Card

3) Nephritis (spelt wrongly on the Wiki - the "h" is missing. My great grandmother died of nephritis)

4) Amanuensis

5) Cad : Coaching

6) Accipitary

7) Aquavita : Alcohol

8) Bang Beggar

9) Bauer

10) Code for inserting photos.

insert htt:// whatever.J.peg here

When you chose your photobucket link address did you use 2nd box down? (For normal site stuff we use the 4th as we don't need the [IMG])

bear with me, dont know what is happening here!

Think we have sussed it

Did you type in the code or copy it? I think you prob typed it in.

Where did you find the | character? (it isnt an L - mine is between shift and z on my keyboard, - shift\-) have put the correct charracter and code in your right example