Canals and Canal Carriers

From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library

The History of the canal network

The canal network started to appear in the 18th century, in the days before the railways the canals were used to carry goods, people and documents around the country. The network continued to expand and linked the major industrial areas of the country together.

As the forerunner to the railways and motorways of recent times, the canals provided employment for many people, the men who built the canals (called navvies, as the canals were referred to as navigations) would often find employment on the canal when construction was complete. Whole families would live and work on canal boats and raise several generations whilst living afloat.

Canals of England

Canals of England is a comprehensive list of the canals (past and present) throughout England.


Canals of Wales

Canals of Wales giving information for the Welsh canal navigations and links to some of the major engineering feats needed to allow canals to be built throughout Wales


Canals of Scotland

Canals of Scotland gives detailed information about the Scottish canal network.


Canal Carrying Companies

Many of the carriers were quite large companies with large fleets of boats, although online information about many of the companies and boats is sparse these links can prove useful to researchers;

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