General Everyday Clothing

From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library

1840 - 1850

1851 - 1860

1861 - 1870

Great Aunt Elizabeth Lock
Elizabeth was born in 1824. This photo was taken in the early 1860's. Note the hair covers her ears; in the late 1860's the ears were shown. She is also wearing "engageantes" - false white detacheable sleeves which were easily removed for laundering. These were introduced during the 1850's. Submitted by Katarzyna

1871 - 1880

1881 - 1890

1891 - 1900

2nd Great Aunt, Elizabeth Paternoster
Elizabeth b 1843 married her cousin John Paternoster, a gamekeeper so again they were a working class family.The photo would have been taken in early 1890's. Plain suits with little ornamentation except perhaps a brooch on the collar; hair tied back in a bun with no fringe was the order of the day. Submitted by Katarzyna

Great Aunt Emma Beadon Sporle
Emma, b 1876, married Jacob Stechmann a tailor in West Ham in 1898 but I believe this photo to have been taken in 1895-6. Collars were high and with a ruffle or lace under the stiff outer. Emma's father was a sailor and then a railway porter so they were a working class family. Submitted by Katarzyna

1901 - 1910

1911 - 1920

1921 - 1930

1931 - 1940

1941 - 1950

1951 - 1960

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