User talk:Grimsqueaker
From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library
Welcome to Family Tree Forum's Site Projects area.
For reference information not contained within these projects, please use our Reference Library.
Current Projects
- Places of Worship - The Places of Worship project is an important part of the Regional Projects Forum.
These pages host a vast and ever-growing collection of photographs donated by the members.
- Costume Gallery - The gallery hosts a growing number of photographs of costume through the ages which have been contributed by the members.
- FTF Gallery of International War Memorials - War Memorial photographs from outside the UK
- Surname Directory - The Surname Directory is a selection of the surnames being researched by the members of the Family Tree Forum.
- Certificate Exchange - A place to list all those wrong certificates or maybe to find the one you have been looking for.
- Foundation Stones Database - Historical information linking ancestors and buildings.
- All Family Tree Forum members have the ability to add content to pages in the Site Projects area.
- If you have any ideas for other projects, or would like to find out more about them, please visit the Site Projects Forum .
- If you wish to create or amend content, you should also read the Help Page for Editors first to familiarise yourself.
- Please ensure that you read our Terms and Conditions and the Copyright Guidelines. before adding any content.
- Unless otherwise specified, all content will be published under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation Licence
- For more help, see The Wiki Guide
- Any additions and amendments will be tracked to ensure conformity with layout as well as preventing undesirable content from appearing on the site.
Family Tree Forum reserves the right to amend any content not formatted to the style of the rest of the site without notification.