Big Book - V

From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library

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Valet male servant that attended a nobleman or gentleman

Valid that which is legal and binding.

Valuator who valued objects

Varlet a knight's attendant. A menial.

Vassal holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance. humble servant. (corruption of french vavasour, retainer)

Vatman one who put the paper pulp into the moulds in paper-making industry or worked with vats e.g. in beer and wine making

Vaudeville popular variety entertainment in music halls.

Vavasory estate of a vavasoue (see vassal)

Vellum fine parchment made of calfskin

Ven. (abbr) The Venerable - eg, title of Archdeacon

Venator (Venur) huntsman

Venesection Bleeding

Verderer official in charge of the royal forest

Verger one who worked with the priest in the running the church

Verge Maker one who made the spindles used in clocks and watches

Vero certainly, to be sure

Verrier glazier

Vestment Maker one who made the gowns worn by priests

Vestry administrative group within a parish; the ruling body of a church.

Victualler seller of food/drink

Vidua widow.

Viduus widower.

Viewer one who worked at the mines in a managerial capacity

Villein one who paid dues to the lord of the manor in return for use of the land

Vintager / Vineroon grape farmer, wine maker

Vintner/ Vinter wine merchant

Viper's Dance St. Vitus' Dance, chorea

Virginal Player player of a musical instrument similar to a harpsichord

Virgo used to describe an unmarried woman in English and European marriage records.

Visitation a visit for the purpose of making an official inspection or examination. This term was used to describe census activities.

Vital records birth, marriage, and death records.

Viz (abbrev) Namely (videlicit)

Vulcan blacksmith

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