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From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library
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'''Yule''' (arch) Chrsitmas time
'''Yule''' (arch) Christmas time

Revision as of 20:35, 12 June 2007

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Yapp kind of bookbinding with limp leather leaves which project over the edges of the leaves.

Yarmulka Jewish skull cap worn by men

Yean/yeanling young lamb or kid

Year's provisions (USA) - a widow is entitled to a twelve months supply of goods and money or provisions out of her husband's estate - this specified amount cannot be used or given to creditors to clear her husband's debts

Yegg (slang) travelling burglar or safebreaker

Yeoman 1. Man holding and cultivating small landed estate. 2. (Hist) person qualified by possessing free land of value over 40 shillings per annum, to serve on Juries, vote for knights of the shire 3. Servant in noble household (hist)

Yiddish language of central and eastern European Jews.

Yule (arch) Christmas time

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