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[[Category:General Reference]]
==Defining Relationships==
*[http://www.home-smith.co.uk/Defining...tionships.html Defining Relationships]
'''The content of this page has been moved to a new location in the Reference Library which can be accessed via the <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.familytreeforum.com/content.php Home Page]</span>  of the forum.'''
*[http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~hornbeck/chart.htm Relationship Chart]
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*[http://www.rootsweb.com/~genepool/cousins.htm Relationship Chart]
*[http://dramsden.co.uk/drhome/relationship.asp The Relationship Calculator ] &nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color: red; font-weight: 700;">NOTE:</span> Doesn't work in Firefox or Google Chrome.
*[http://www.rhodesfamily.org.uk/people/relationship.html The Cousin Calculator]
*[http://www.searchforancestors.com/utility/cousincalculator.html Cousin Calculator]
===='''Kinship - the Right Name for the Distant Cousin''' ====
''For information only ............. this was found on the web - I have not compiled it myself''
Your '''first cousin''' is your parents' brother's or sister's child. However, the first cousin's child is not your second cousin, but your first cousin one removed. The child of the first cousin once removed is your first cousin twice removed, and his child is your first cousin three times removed.
Your '''second cousin''' is your grandparents' brother's or sister's grandchild. That second cousin's child is your second cousin once removed, and his child is your second cousin twice removed, and so on.
Your '''third cousin''' is your great-grandparents' brother's or sister's great-grandchild. The third cousin's child is your third cousin once removed, and his child is your third cousin twice removed.
===='''Occasionally Misunderstood Terms'''====
'''Siblings''': Parents in common, brothers and sisters
'''Grandnephew''' and '''Grandniece''': the grandchild of your brother or sister
'''Grandaunt''' or '''Granduncle''': the brother or sister of your grandparent
'''Great-Grandaunt''' or '''Great-Granduncle''': the sister or brother of your great-grandparents
'''Stepfather''' or '''Stepmother''': the husband of your mother or the wife of your father by a subsequent marriage
'''Stepchild''': the child of your husband or wife by a former marriage
'''Stepsister''' or '''Stepbrother''': the child of your stepfather or stepmother
'''Half Sister''' or '''Half Brother''': the child of your mother and stepfather or the child of your father and stepmother, or of either parent by a former marriage
'''In-Laws''': your connections by the law of marriage (as distinct from relatives by blood) in particular, your husband's or wife's relatives and your own brother's wife or sister's husband
'''Ancestor''': the person from whom you descend directly, such as a grandparent or a great-grandparent
'''Descendant''': the person who descends directly from you, such as a grandson or granddaughter
'''Lineal Relations''': those in a direct line of ascent or descent, such as a grandfather or granddaughter
'''Collateral Relations''': those relatives who are linked by a common ancestor, such as aunts, uncles, or cousins
'''Connexions''': those who have a relative in common but who are not themselves related by blood.
===='''Now the Easy Version'''====
Brothers and Sisters '''Siblings'''
Children '''1st Cousins'''
Grandchildren '''2nd Cousins'''
Great grandchildren '''3rd Cousins'''
Gt Gt grandchildren '''4th Cousins'''
Gt Gt Gt grandchildren '''5th Cousins'''
Gt Gt Gt Gt grandchildren '''6th Cousins'''
One generation before or after, is '''Once Removed'''
Two generations before/after are '''Twice Removed''' etc.
These days most people do not use the term '''Grand niece''' or '''Grand nephew''', or '''Grand Great Niece''' etc. The word '''Grand''' has been popularly replaced by '''Great'''.
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