Big Book - J
Jail Fever typhus
Jaundice condition caused by blockage of the intestines
Joint Tenancy the condition of two or more persons owning a piece of property - this type of ownership allows all persons to use the property and share in it equally
Journeyman craftsman hired day by day
Julian Calendar a calendar named for Julius Caesar, it is referred to as the "Old Style" calendar, which was used from 45 BC until 1582, when it was replaced by the Gregorian calendar
'Junior/Senior - these terms did not necessarily indicate father and son; they were used within a small community to distinguish between two persons of the same name; sometimes "the elder" and "the younger" were used in the same fashion
Jurat [Latin] certification that a document was written by the person who signed it
Jure Uxoris [Latin] in right of his wife