Using Multiple Images
More than one image on page
Gallery - small thumbnails
The Big_Book of Genealogy.
Pictures in a table
These pictures are laid in in a table. You can have single pictures or several in a row.
3. Clickpic - hyperlinked pictures
To make smaller clickpic images
You have to make the image smaller in advance ... you can't just edit the existing code!!
Right click and select properties, copy the hyperlink.
You can Mix and Match sizes
Images as hyperlinks from outside the Wiki.
This example uses clickable pictures - this has the advantage of allowing you to use images to hyperlink to sites outside the Wiki. It uses the hyperlink of the image page. the image has to be uploaded in the size you need to use.
<span class="plainlinks"> link </span> stops the blue arrow on the side.
Mixing images and text
Picture on the left, some text and picture on the right
N.B. If the image has no "built in" border you need to use |thumb| not |frame|.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec in enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas id nibh ut turpis lobortis commodo. Phasellus sed neque. Proin fringilla euismod libero. Etiam vel lectus. Aliquam dui. Curabitur venenatis molestie neque. Integer mi dolor, gravida at, accumsan eget, fringilla eget, arcu. Suspendisse euismod. Nam et lorem accumsan magna venenatis pellentesque. In et ante. Etiam magna. Cras rutrum mi quis tellus.
Sed mi eros, lacinia mattis, gravida vel, placerat posuere, lacus. Duis accumsan tincidunt sapien. Morbi sed velit. Etiam quis orci. Donec at velit sed lorem elementum feugiat. Curabitur ut ligula. Quisque in eros. Morbi sed enim id sapien tristique fringilla. Nunc ligula augue, pellentesque ac, nonummy id, semper eget, ante. Sed mi eros, lacinia mattis, gravida vel, placerat posuere, lacus. Duis accumsan tincidunt sapien. Morbi sed velit. Etiam quis orci. Donec at velit sed lorem elementum feugiat. Curabitur ut ligula. Quisque in eros. Morbi sed enim id sapien tristique fringilla. Nunc ligula augue, pellentesque ac, nonummy id, semper eget, ante.