Creating Your Family Tree

From the Family Tree Forum Reference Library
Revision as of 12:52, 23 June 2007 by Caroline (talk | contribs)
This page being edited by Caroline with input from Velma

Beginning your research

Before you can start constructing your tree, you need to find the branches and twigs to populate it. This page will give you advice on how to go about it and where to find the information, together with hints and tips on deciding whether they are "yours", using The Wiki pages and external links.

Step One ~ Talk To Your Relatives

text from Velma here

Step Two ~ Going Back Before 1900

text from Velma here

Finding Those Names

text here

How do you know they "belong" in your tree?

text here

To be 99% sure that you are researching the correct people, you are going to have to get Birth, Marriage and/or Death Certificates. These pages will help you find out All About Certificates and how to go about obtaining them.

Sorting out those relationships ...

Who is your 5th cousin twice removed? Can first cousins marry? Can a man marry his wife's sister? Is a man allowed to marry his great-grandmother in Scotland?

Find the answers here: Degrees of Kinship

Quick Hints and Tips

text here

And when you have found all the information